What Strategy Did This Teacher Use To Make Student Thinking Visible?

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1. What strategy did this teacher use to make student thinking visible?
The main strategy the teacher used to make student thinking visible during this lesson is by having students explain and defend their answers. Students had to share with multiple peers their answers to the assignment. The teacher also had several students share their answers with the whole group. Through hearing the students explaining and defending their answers the teacher was able to see who was calling on prior knowledge to get the correct answers and who was mixing up concepts from pervious answers.

2. How has this lesson helped you understand the 4th and 5th grade common core state standards for mathematics?
This video lesson has helped me understand the 4th …show more content…

How has this lesson helped you understand the standards for mathematical practice?
This video lesson has helped me understand the standards for mathematical practice by giving me a bird’s eye view of how it can be implemented into classroom teaching. The lesson highlighted that in order for the standards of mathematical practice to be used the room needs to be students centered and not teacher centered. Students were given time to not only figure out the problem but justify and reason their answers to peers. The students themselves became teachers to their peers.

4. How has your understanding of teaching this subject and/or grade level changed after viewing this video?
My understanding of teaching Common Core Math to fourth and fifth grade has changed greatly after watching this video. When I am teaching Math to fourth or fifth grade students need to understand their reasoning to an answer. My students must be given time to critically explain and justify their work but also critique their peers reasoning for the same problem. I watched students get a better understanding of the Math problem by listening to how and why their peer solved the problem.

5. Please comment on your general thoughts and impressions of this video