
What Waits In The Woods Summary

897 Words4 Pages

Dylan Smith
Mss. Coleman
LA 8B #18
15 November 2017

What Waits In The Woods report I read the book What Waits In The Woods the book is originally about four characters named Jeremy, Lissa, Penelope, and the main character Callie. Callie is a girl who has recently moved to a new state, she quickly earns the trust of her two best friends Lissa and Penelope. Jeremy is Callies new boyfriend who she invites to go on a three day camping trip with her and her two friends. The main plot of the story is a bunch of teenagers wander around in the woods and one of the characters loses their meds her name is Penelope. Penelope goes insane and starts killing all of the teenagers. At the end of the story Callie, Jeremy, and Zach all capture her and get …show more content…

Callie is a girl who had just recently moved away from the city and is not used to camping, so she is very nervous. Then there is Jeremy Callie's boyfriend she invites him to go camping with her. Jeremy is very intelligent, Jeremy is also one of the people who saves Callie at the end of the story and mostly watches over her throughout the story, but Callie does help him at some parts of the story she even saves his life.
The third character is probably the most important, her name is Penelope, she is most likely the most important because she puts the twist in the book. Penelope is known as kind of a pushover and innocent, but this all changes after she loses her meds to keep her sane after getting thrown into a river. Penelope losing her meds causes her to lose her mind and start killing people in the friend group such as Ted and …show more content…

The group falls into the river below the bridge, Jeremy is the only one that gets swept away by the current, he almost dies, but Callie saves him and the issue is resolved. Another conflict that comes into play is when Jeremy, Lissa, Callie, Penelope, and Ted think that they are being followed because someone stuck a knife into a tree and has been laying dolls in their campsite. This ends up just being Lissa's boyfriend Zach this gets resolved by the group all except by Lissa because her dead body is found in the woods minutes later.
I think that the climax of the story is when they group, minus Lissa because she is dead, are all in Ted's cabin and Penelope shoots Zach and Ted right in front of Callie and Jeremy. I think this is the climax because then Penelope explains why she killed everyone and why this all happened. The book throws a huge twist in the story by making you think it could be everyone except for the real killer. This is also the climax because then the book throws the characters Lissa and Callie into a huge fight to survive after witnessing the shooting of Zach and

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