What Would Happen To A Nuclear Reactor If The Control Rods Were Pushed Back In

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1. Explain the differences between a chemical reactions and nuclear reactions
Nuclear reactions involve a change in an atom's nucleus, usually producing a different element. Chemical reactions, on the other hand, involve only a rearrangement of electrons and do not involve changes in the nuclei.
2. Explain in your own words the law of conservation of mass
The mass of the reactants must equal the mass of the products.
3. What is used for fuel in a nuclear reactor?
4. Which subatomic particles produced during nuclear fission are capable of causing a chain reaction
A possible nuclear fission chain reaction. A uranium atom absorbs a neutron, and fissions into two new atoms, releasing three new neutrons and a large amount of binding energy.
5. Use a …show more content…

They are composed of chemical elements such as boron, silver, indium and cadmium that are capable of absorbing many neutrons without themselves fashioning.
9. What would happen to a nuclear reactor if the control rods were pulled out and then for some reason could not be pushed back in?
Natural super-critical mass of Uranium will not explode on it's own unless it's ... The worst that can happen is, the heat from fission will melt the structural
10. Why is a nuclear reactor enclosed in concrete?
Ionising radiation in the reactor itself is prevented from escaping by steel and thick concrete walls. This is important because radiation can cause cancer. The waste from nuclear power stations is radioactive, so it can be harmful, too. ... It can be used to make nuclear bombs.
11. What is the difference between fission and fusion? Which produces more energy
Both fission and fusion are nuclear reactions that produce energy, but the applications are not the same. Fission is the splitting of a heavy, unstable nucleus into two lighter nuclei, and fusion is the process where two light nuclei combine releasing vast amounts of