When Steve Becomes Stephanie Essay

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Affirmative action is used to implement specific diversity standards against discrimination of minorities and women. As the corporate world begins to diversify, it is a company’s obligation to form policies that consider these changes. This should be a company standard and social obligation throughout the nation. Unfortunately, not every company complies with the wave of change.
In the case of “When Steve becomes Stephanie” Henrietta was aware of the social revolution that was going on amongst other companies, as the case stated twenty five percent of leading U.S. companies currently have policies in place based on gender discrimination. This alone should have opted her to start formulating policies that would include such intolerance of gender discrimination, but she was ignorant. As an HR management, you should be aware of any situation that may arise and prepared with the utmost respectful response and actions.
Correspondingly, judging from Henrietta’s husband, Eric’s words “Steve’s transition to Stephanie will improve your affirmative-action numbers”, proves that the company at the time may have been undergoing required changes for diversification. Causing Stephanie’s transition to occur in an opportunistic time for the company’s possible diversification strategy. …show more content…

His disdain proved that he was not equipped for the position regardless of time spent in the company. His concern for customer relationship however is something to consider, as customers have no obligation to oblige to such changes. This is where HR (Henrietta) and management should work together to formulate a plan that would allow Steve’s clientele to be aware of the transition so they are not caught off guard the next time they meet; expecting Steve, but meeting with