Which Literacy Did You Feel Is Going To Be The Most Important To Your Future Classroom

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1. What does it mean to be digitally literate in the media age?

In 9 elements of digital citizenship, the video states “the ability use information and communication technologies to find, identify, evaluate, and communicate information requiring both cognitive and technical skills.” Being digital literate meaning you have the ability to use the internet, smartphone, video games, computers, etc., to navigate yourself online using technology. Technology is becoming a big part of our society and students need to be digitally literate to keep themselves update and use the correct technology tools.

2. What is your stance on Digital Literacy?

I believe digital Literacy is very important because we began to see technology being used in schools and every classroom Students need to learn how to use technology appropriately because they will be using technology throughout their adult life for work, school, research, etc. For example, I observe a health teacher for my field experience, and the student’s assignment was to record them saying no to drug roleplay. I noticed some students didn’t know how to record their roleplay on their Chromebooks because they just …show more content…

Which Literacy did you feel is going to be the most important to your future classroom? Why?

I feel like digital etiquette and digital would be important in my classroom. Students need to learn how to use technology and how to be safe online when using any kind of technology. Nowadays, schools are using technology in classroom and teacher offer assessments online to be completed by students when they come to class. A teacher would grade and give feedback to the students online and students have access to it through their own technology devices. In class, technology is used only for learning purposes, so teachers need to create rules to keep every student safe.

4. From the case study, what literacy does digital storytelling fall under? And how can you incorporate digital storytelling into your