
Whispers Informed Strangers I Was The Eldest By Seamus Heaney

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Seamus Heaney uses a forced to grow up theme, and this type of theme helps the reader understand why Heaney is acting the way he is. Being treated like an adult out of the blue, and during a difficult time, can overload someone to a point where they are withdrawn from their surroundings. “By old men standing up to shake my hand, Whispers informed strangers I was the eldest” (Heaney stanza three and four), he is uncomfortable with being the center point for everyone. These strangers see Heaney as an adult, he is the eldest, and doesn’t show any strong emotional sadness during this difficult time for a family, so these people are also seeing him as the strongest member. He is also seen comforting his mother, which will support the idea of him
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