Who Is Oskar Schindler A Hero

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Oskar Schindler was a hero to the many 1,200 Jews he saved . Among them the many Jews the youngest of them all was Eva Lavi. Lavi was 2 years old when the war started and 8 years old when it ended. She lived in a ghetto with her mom; later she was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp. Like many other children, Lavi did not attend school and sadly did not have a childhood. After Auschwitz concentration camp she was transferred to a death camp and stayed there for 3 weeks, this is how is was added onto Schindler's list.One night, while she was helping her mom work in the camp, she was taken by a Nazi soldier and sent to a place where many children were. In this place there were many different types of food and it was clean, nicely furnished,