
Who Is The Outsiders A Hero Or A Villain

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Maksim Magajne Carter May 2/6/23 Can a person be both a hero and a villain The Outsiders by S.E Hinton is a novel about how the Greasers and the Socials (two gangs) have a bad relationship. The Socials are rich so everybody thinks they are the heroes but they're not. The Greasers are poor. Everybody thinks that they are the villains even though in the novel you learn that the Greasers are the heroes. The Interrupters is an article about people who were past criminals and were seen as villains who came together and made a group that helps other people in their situation and stops violence. These people did this to bring back to the world and are now seen as heroes. After reading both articles it becomes clear that a person can be both a …show more content…

At one point in the novel, Johnny and Ponyboy were walking to the park after Darry slapped Ponyboy. When they were there a group of Socials (the opposing gang) pulled up on them and tried to drown Ponyboy for talking to Cherry and trying to take her home. Before Ponyboy drowned Johnny stabbed Bob and killed him. The author writes, “"I killed him," he said slowly. "I killed that boy." Bob, the handsome Soc, was lying there in the moonlight, doubled up and still. A dark pool was growing from him, spreading slowly over the blue-white cement. I looked at Johnny's hand. He was clutching his switchblade, and it was dark to the hilt. My stomach gave a violent jump and my blood turned icy” (Hinton line 49). This shows that someone can be a hero from one perspective but a villain from another. The Socials would think that Johnny is a villain for killing Bob but the Greasers will think he is a hero for saving Ponyboy's life. This text shows a person can be a hero and a villain from the perspective of …show more content…

At one point in the article, it talks about how Eddie Bocanegra murdered somebody in his early life and was seen as a villain. But later in his life he joined a group called CeaseFire and was helping to stop the violence. He was later seen as a hero and had people looking up to him. In the article, it states, “Eddie Bocanegra is haunted by a murder he committed when he was seventeen. His CeaseFire work is a part of his repentance for what he did. Eddie is most deeply disturbed by the aftereffects of the violence on children, and so he spends much of his time working with younger kids to both keep them off the streets and to get support to those who need it – including a 16-year-old girl whose brother died in her arms.” (The interrupters lines] 29-33). This shows a person can be both a hero and a villain by the way you look at them over time. This is shown in the text by Eddie Bocanegra. In his early life, he was seen as a villain because he murdered somebody. But later in his life he joined CeaseFire and was seen as a hero. This information shows that a person can be a hero and a villain by the way you look at them over

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