Who Was Responsible For The Death Of Mark Griffin

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Mark Kinney is extremely responsible for Mr. Griffin’s death. He is the mastermind of this evil plot and persuaded everyone to join his little bandwagon. Mark actually meant to kill Mr.Griffin while telling the others that it was a joke that was only meant to scare him. HE was running the show and telling everybody what to do. Not only did he kill Mr. Griffin, he harassed a student and possibly killed another student’s grandma. Here’s the proof: The neighbor saw a teenager with a brown sweater. That completely describes Mark and since he wasn’t with any of his friends at the time of the incident, he could very well be the killer. I think Mark should be put in jail for at least half a year and fined $1,000,000.

Jeff Garnett and Betsy are probably next in line. They never tried to stop Mark and when Mark harassed Sue, they just went along with it. They didn’t think of killing Mr. Griffin, but they had motivation and Mark pulled them toward it. They didn’t mean to kill Mr. Griffin as they thought it was a joke but even that is not right. I think Betsy and Jeff should both get the same punishment of at least 2 months in jail and fined $300,000. …show more content…

Mark, Jeff, and Betsy were really pushing him and he thought if he didn’t do it, he would probably be called a coward. He did make another student participate in it though. He stole Mr. Griffin’s stanford ring which was worth a lot of money. He didn’t take part in anything else so I think his punishment should be half a month in jail, and $150,000 fine. He wasn’t really a huge part of the

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