Who Was Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Over the past four weeks, we have read William Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet. It's a play about love and tragedy. Romeo and Juliet is studied for its longevity and contemporary. These kinds of characteristics are what keeps the story relevant. Writers seem to be influenced by this piece of literature. If Romeo and Juliet is so influential, why does it seem no wonder who was at fault for the death of Romeo and Juliet? Anybody can be equally responsible for the deaths of two lovers, but the ones most accountable are Tybalt and Friar Lawernce. Early in the play, Tybalt came across Benvolio with his sword drawn. Although it was two servants of the Capulets at fault, his rash thinking had compelled him to accuse Benvolio. Benvolio tried to explain and make peace with Tybalt but wouldn’t reason. Tybalt said “you hold your sword drawn out, and say “peace?” I hate that word, just as I hate hell, all Montagues, and you. Now let’s fight, you coward” ( 1,1,68-70). This was all due to his hatred for Montagues. Their feud would grow bigger, which the Prince would have to get involved in. The Prince would declare if the streets of Verona were to be disturbed by either family again, he would have them executed. This act would later affect the plot significantly. …show more content…

Mercutio would raise Tybalt’s temper until Romeo appeared. Romeo tried to calm down Tybalt, but the two men were too arrogant. Romeo tried to intervene again but Tybalt struck Mercutio. Mercutio in anger says “I'm hurt. May a plague strike down both your families. I’m done. Did he get away without injury?” (3,1,90-91). He would later die. Romeo would later get his vengeance and murder Tybalt. Tybalt caused Romeo to get revenge, which would banish him. Because of the banishment of Romeo, it put Juliet in a weeping state. Lord Capulet would decide to arrange a wedding for Juliet because of