
Who Was Responsible For The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Literary Analysis Who is the one that was responsible for the death of Romeo and juliet? What did they do to make that happen? In the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet a romantic tragedy by william shakespeare. There were two state-cost lovers whose fate brought them together and separated them in a tragic turn of events. When they were in an unfortunate situation they ended up killing themselves. This ended their families long strife. The people that are to blame for the target demise of Romeo and Juliet are Friar, Tibolt, and the Apothecary. The Friar is one of the people that are to blame for the tragic demise of Romeo and juliet. The reason this is the case is because not only did he help Romeo and Juliet to get married. He also gave the potion to Juliet that made Romeo think she was dead. Shown in the text “Romeo! O, pale! Who else? What, Paris too? And Steeped in blood? Ah, what an unkind hour is guilty of this lamentable chance! The Lady stirs”(shakespeare 5-3 474). The evidence shown tells not only was he responsible but he knew that he was to blame for their death. …show more content…

Explained in this text. “Immediately we do exile him hence. I have an interest in your hate’s proceeding. My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding. ButI’ll amerce you with so strong a fine”(Shakespeare 3-1 430). In this text it explains that Tibolt how killed Mercutio caused Romeo to take revenge on him, making him get exiled from verona. Then when Juliet was told that she was to be married. That made her panic and take potion to make her seem dead. This was to run away but Romeo that she was dead and killed

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