Who Is The Friar To Blame For Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and the Friar are the ones to blame for Romeo and Juliet ending in tragedy. There are many particular events that had taken place in Romeo and Juliet that Friar is to blame for. He married Romeo and Juliet, helped Juliet with her "death plan" and forgot to send an important letter to Romeo. Romeo stood in the way of a fight, letting his fried die. Then, even when he knew the consequences, Romeo still decided to fight Tybalt. Romeo and the Friar are both at fault. The Friar was a key reason as to why the play ended so tragically. He never gave Juliet's note to Romeo. Juliet made the note specifically for Romeo so he knew she was still alive and why she was faking her death (Shakespeare 847). If the Friar would have given the letter to Romeo, he would not have committed suicide (Shakespeare 868). The Friar didn't think that letter was that important, but regardless he shoul've given it to Romeo. Marrying Romeo and Juliet after he had only known them for a day was also a big mistake (Shakespeare 814 - 815). He didn't have to marry them, they weren't ready. He should have waited and married them later. …show more content…

Juliet put too much trust in Friar John to give the letter to Romeo about her fake death plan, so she wouldn't have to marry Paris. Everyone thought Juliet was dead, so really no one could have even told him that she was alive. The Friar, even though it didn't seem important at the time, could have told Romeo that she would wake up. So instead when Romeo found Juliet he thought she was dead. Even though they barely knew each other, Romeo was attached to Juliet and couldn't handle the thought of her being gone. If Friar wouldn't have given her the potion in the first place, none of them would have ended up dead. If he gave Juliet the poison, he should have at least told Romeo, knowing that they were in love. Friar isn't the only one to blame for this