Whole Brain Emulation

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Alexis Kleinman’s article Siri Gets Taken Down By Google Now In Intelligence Battle focuses on the results of voice-controlled search engines. This study was conducted by Stone Temple, a consulting group. They were interested in figuring out whether Google Voice (featured on Android), Cortana (Microsoft phones), or Siri (iPhones) will give accurate responses when asked a question. This study is consisted of more than three thousand queries, and credit was only given to the voice-controlled search engine when their responses were correct. The conclusion of the study seems to have Google Voice picked as the winner, having an accuracy rate of 88%. This article also provided a video to let the reader see how the study was conducted. The reader …show more content…

Non-Invasive Methods, discusses the five emulation methods and analyzes which method is the best method to take on whole brain emulation (WBE). The methods are divided into two sections structure replication and reconstructive (SR) and reverse brain engineering (RBE). The SR section includes the brain mapping and replication method (BM&R), which is considered simple and requires slicing the brain into thin slices and mapping out each detail, later using these details to create an artificial substrate. The second method in this section is the superior brain scan method (SBS) which is similar to the BM&R but does require the brain to be sliced up. The SBS uses MRI to scan the whole brain and make an identical artificial copy. The last method in this section is the reconstructive upload method (RU); this method reconstructs the brain of a dead person into an artificial substrate by using data, videos, and any information about the decreased. The RBE section includes reverse engineering method type 1 (REM 1), this method involves building replacement parts by slicing sections of the brain then mapping the structures. The next method in this section is reverse brain engineering method type 2 (REM 2), just like type 1 but there are no psychologically relevant structure, “emulation occurs neuron by neuron”. After describing the five method of emulation, Wellington discusses whether personal identity can be preserve in WBE. Wellington also discusses the differences between immanent causation and transeunt causation. Immanent causation is when change takes place within the mind and transeunt causation take place outside of the mind, most likely by environmental factors. Wellington goes on to describe why SRs are unsuccessful at retaining personal identity. In the SR section, Wellington explains why personal identity could never be retained, for BM&R and SBS personality might not remain as it passes through to different