
Why Am I Attending College Essay

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A brief description of what I am/want to do after I graduate from high school. After I complete my high school years I want to continue and further my education by going off to school to become a Criminal Law Lawyer. As of right now I am not too sure where I want to go to school but I’m in the process of looking for some schools I would like to attend. My judgement is that I want to go to a junior college and when I’m finish there than transfer into a university. While preparing myself for this big achievement in my like I know that I will make my family very proud of me and the achievements that I decided for myself and my future.

Junior School For my junior college I am more like thinking about like Coconino Community College (CCC), Maricopa Community College (MCC), or Gateway Community College (GCC). Reason why I want to start off at a junior college is because I want to already finish my Generalized courses, but once I complete that then that’s when I want to transfer to a university to earn my Bachelor’s Degree. Once I proudly receive my Bachelor’s Degree I am then to continue and enroll into a Law School which I am unsure as of right now. Only reason why I don’t want to already get into a university is because I don’t want to waste half my time dealing with my generalized classes, …show more content…

A university that I am thinking of transferring to is Arizona State University (ASU). It has always been a goal for me to attend ASU. ASU is where I would be more proud of myself if I do receive my Bachelor’s Degree from there. Once I receive my Degree I am going to be so excited and happy for myself because I’m accomplishing all the goals that I had set for myself when I was still in high school. But After I am done with getting my bachelor’s degree then that’s where I am going to apply into a law

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