Why Animal Testing Need To Be Banned

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Animal Testing Debate

Animal testing is a highly debated topic. Some say, “Animal testing is horrible it needs to be banned.” Others say, “Animal testing needs to be happening.” Though it can be proven that animal testing is not helpful but harmful. Reasons to prove this are, Animals are severely harmed, animals and humans react differently, and there are alternatives to animal testing.

Animals are severely harmed. Animals ache in pain, are scared, and experience horrid side effects (animal testing 101).From the stress some animals start biting themselves, spinning in circles, rocking back and forth, and pulling out their own fur. More than 100 million animals suffer and die each year in the US from animal testing mainly because of these tests: harsh drug, cosmetic, chemical, and food (animal testing 101). Millions of animals such as mice, rats, rabbits, cats, and dogs (e.t.c) are locked in cages in laboratories across the country. When in cages animals shake and cringe when someone approaches along with their blood pressure spiking dramatically. The animals are locked in cages like prisoners are locked in their cells. In conclusion animals go thru loads of pain and experience horrid side effects and overall are severely harmed. …show more content…

Each year about 70,000 people are severely disabled or killed from unexpected reactions that passed animal testing. This evidence shows that the results of animal testing are inaccurate. A pain reliever called vioxx was shown to protect the heart of lab animals but in 139,000 people it was linked to heart attacks and strokes. A thorough study proved 88% of stillbirth are caused by drugs that passed animal testing (33 reasons why animal testing is pointless). In conclusion animals and humans do not react the same, therefor animal testing is inaccurate and