Persuasive Essay On Pass Animal Testing

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Testing on animals is a dangerous and life threatening procedure that puts the animals at high risk. The truth is that testing on animals is bad science, It's unreliable and unnecessary. Everyday millions of mice, rats, cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, monkeys, fish and amphibians are put in danger when there can be other safe and effective ways to test products. 219 animals are killed each minute in product testing labs. Testing products such as makeup, hair products, perfume and medicine is not as complicated as it seems. A method discovered by scientists called the in vitro method, a test tube method that is based off of human cells and tissue cultures. The in vitro system uses human cells, therefore making it more accurate for products and …show more content…

Drugs that pass animal testing are not safe to be putting into a human body. A sleeping pill Thalidomide was tested on animals before releasing to the public. The sleeping pill caused 10,000 babies to be born with severe deformities and illnesses. Animal tests were performed for an arthritis drug known as Vioxx, the results showed that it had a protective effect on hearts of mice, yet the drug went on and caused more than 27,000 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths before the labs pulled them from the market. 94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials. A 2013 study found that nearly 150 clinical trials of treatments to reduce inflammation in critically ill patients have been undertaken and all of them failed, despite being successful in animal tests. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America). Many chemicals that are harmful to animals are valuable when used by humans. The Animal Welfare Act does not protect all animals used for animal testing therefore leaving the products being dangerous to sell. The AWA does not cover rats, mice,fish and birds which are sources to many products. Leaving about 25 million animals that are not covered, these animals are vulnerable to mistreatment and abuse without protection from the