Why Are Decomposers Important To The Biogeochemical Cycle

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Question Set #1:
Why are decomposers important to the biogeochemical cycles?
What are the different types of biogeochemical cycles?
Explain the water cycle diagram.
Explain the nitrogen cycle. Why is the nitrogen cycle important?
List and explain the sources of Carbon in the ecosystem.
Where does phosphorus found in the phosphorus cycle originate from?
Explain the human activities that contribute to climate change?
Question Set #2:
Define hydrosphere.
The hydrosphere is all the water on the earth’s surface, such as lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the earth’s surface such as clouds.
Where does the carbon found in the atmosphere come from?
When humans and other animals breathe, we take in oxygen and breathe out carbon …show more content…

Biogeochemical Cycles
Michaela Webb

The biogeochemical cycles are made of our air, water, and land. The cycles help control climate and precipitation which are the fundamentals of the creation of ecosystems. The cycles include the carbon, water, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus cycles which all play a key role in the development of life. They all contribute the building blocks of life and allow live to grow and prosper within each ecosystem on Earth. Biogeochemical cycles move important elements around the environment thought living matter and back into the environment.

The biogeochemical cycles help keep all living things alive. The biogeochemical cycles help transfer matter from one organism to another. The cycles help an orgaims by utalizing the matter into something that the organism can intake. Humans are able to drink water, because it is in a liquid form, for example. Nitrogen is transferred by bacteria and legumes for human consumption, which allows humans to get the nitrogen they need to survive. Biogeochemical cycles help organisms get all the correct forms of the elements they need to