
Explain The Two Basic Components Of Ecosystem

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1. What are the two basic components of any ecosystem?
• Abiotic – nonliving environment
• Biotic – living components
SOURCE: Instructional Material
2. What two physical factors determine the type of biome that is present in an area?
• Climate
• Geography
3. Explain why autotrophs are called producers and heterotrophs are called consumers.
• Autotrophs are called producers because they make their own food
• Heterotrophs are called consumers because they rely on other organisms for their energy and food supply
4. Select the correct answer from the terms in the parentheses. Ecosystems will recycle nutrients, but ecosystems will not recycle energy.

5. Define trophic level.
• Trophic level – composed of all organisms that feed at a particular …show more content…

o tertiary consumers-eats secondary consumer, may include parasite. o final consumers -eats or breaks down decaying organic material.
SOURCE: Instructional Material
6. This question is based on the following description of an ecosystem: Organism A is a plant that performs photosynthesis. Organisms B eats Organism A; Organism C eats Organism B and Organism D eats Organism C. This is summarized in the following diagram: A  B  C D. The direction of the arrows indicated the organism that eats the other.
Based on this example fill in the blanks with the appropriate answer.
Organism _A__ is a producer; Organism C belongs to trophic level __3__.
7. If an herbivore consumes 200 pounds of plant material, roughly how much is converted to herbivore use?
• 20 lbs
8. When considering ecosystems, explain the basic difference between reservoirs and exchange pools.
• Reservoirs – fossil fuels, minerals in rocks, and sediments in oceans contain inorganic nutrients that are limited in availability
• Exchange pools – atmosphere, soil, and water are ready sources of inorganic nutrients
SOURCE: Instructional Material
9. Identify two reservoirs for carbon.
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What are the three age groups of population that are depicted in age structure diagrams? Which one has the greatest impact on increased population growth in LDCs?
• Pre-reproductive
• Reproductive
• Post-reproductive
• Pre-reproductive has the greatest impact on increased population growth in LDCs
23. Identify and define the types of renewable energy.
• Renewable energy – energy from sources that are constantly being formed and still may affect the environment
• There are 6 types of renewable energy : solar, wind, biomass, hypo-electric, geothermal, and alternative
24. What is the danger presented by chloroflurocarbons?
• Breaking the ozone shield
25. What is biodiversity and what contributes to its loss?
• Biodiversity – the variability among living organisms from all sources, including marine, terrestrial, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems.
• Those that contribute to its loss are disease, exploitations, pollutions, habitat loss, and alien species
SOURCE: Biodiversity & Human Well-being. (n.d.). Retrieved June 23, 2017, from

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