Why Are Residential Support Workers Important

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Residential Support Workers: Their Importance in Health Service Delivery Residential support workers constitute a workforce that plays a vital role in the quality, care, and health delivery of millions of people across the globe. They effectively represent those who do the most essential job functions when it comes to human service organizations, especially among developmentally differently-abled population, individuals with learning difficulties, day treatment programs, nursing homes, as well as state institutions. Yet, their recognition remains largely muted; their pay remains stagnant; and they often suffer from stigma due to the fact that the problem of disability and individuals with disability have not received the type of respect and attention that they ought to have had. At some point in their lives, every individual needs assistance and care regardless of how rich, educated, powerful, and healthy one may be. Thus, residential support worker jobs will always be in demand. Despite their importance, such support workers have revealed that across-the-board compensations, career advancement prospects, and stability have taken a beating when it comes to their profession. No amount of knowledge, wealth, and title is enough not to require a professional’s support, assistance, and help. Simultaneously, no degree of …show more content…

Without an iota of doubt, there will always be resistance. This resistance is primarily because of the fear of the unknown. It is due to ignorance and a sense of comfort. However, with proper education, true visionaries and believers in social transformation do not set any deadlines while pursuing their ultimate goals and objectives. They know that their paths are filled with setbacks, disappointments, rejection, opposition, and difficulties; however, they continue to press on because the job satisfaction attained for helping someone in need surpasses