Why Are School Dress Codes Important

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School dress codes cause debates all over the world. On the one hand some believe they are unnecessary and lack significance. It is argued that it violates our first amendment as well as preventing us from being able to express ourselves. On the other hand, some believe it can be seen as a very positive thing, for example it prepares you for the long run at a future workplace as well as helping you focus on what’s actually important in school. My own view is that following a school dress code can positively help prepare you for a successful future in the workplace. School dress codes are used worldwide, people argue whether or not they are actually necessary, I say they are extremely important. Following an enforced dress code …show more content…

Most jobs in the workplace require you to follow some sort of dress code whether that’s business casual, wearing nice clothes or even having certain colors on. “They also argue requiring students to adhere to certain standards of attire prepares them for the transition from school to work.“ (gale). Many students after high school either go to college or to the workplace, when you are used to following a dress code most of your life in school it helps the transition over to the workplace much …show more content…

All teachers want their students to be involved and have a successful learning environment. When students worry about their wardrobe and what others are wearing it can create lots of distractions. When following a dress code it can eliminate distractions and create a learning environment with minimal distractions for students. Schools have noticed that after enforcing dress codes the number of disciplinary issues and bullying has decreased. “These restrictions contend that some types of clothing create distractions in the classroom and encourage bullying” (gale). There's nothing more a teacher wants than a distraction free learning environment for their students, by creating a dress code, this allows students to have their main focus on their studies and not as much in fashion and wardrobe. “This allows students to focus on the educational environment instead of their clothing.”