Why Did Napoleon Celebrate In The Capital Of Egypt

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Napoleon arrived in the capital of Egypt in 1798 on July 21st and took over a palace to hold on the scholars and scientists. The scholars started to measure the Sphinx and made copies of the hieroglyphs there were finding and then Napoleon evaded the British blockade in 1799. The French army stayed in Egypt and so did the scholars and then they received a package with a rock slab in it and there was a note from a french army officer.The note said that they found it during when they were rebuilding a fort and the french soldiers found it when tearing down a wall. The stone had missing pieces so the french soldiers tried to find the missing pieces behind other walls and didn't find them. The scholars named the rock slab "Rosetta Stone" and then the scholars got to work on the rock and were trying to decipher the hieroglyphic images that were craved into the stone slab. Then they translated the Greek passage and then the scholars turned over to the Egyptian writing and trying to translate it and trying to see if it was a form of simple Egyptian writing the scholars called it Demotic which has the meaning "of the people" but the scholars were …show more content…

All of them fell to the Turks in June and then with all the artifacts and material and even the Rosetta stone that they had they were forced to surrender to the British in September of 1801. They were outnumbered and the British ordered that the scholars handed over their treasures. The scholars didn't agree with that because with out them they wouldn't have deciphered or understood anything from the stone. Later the British gave in and let the scholars keep their part of their collection but they also wanted to keep the Rosetta Stone. But then later General Menou turned the stone over to the British and said "you can have" to General Hutchinson and General Menou also said "because you are stronger of us