
Why Did The Cold War Happen

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The Cold War influenced the development of the global age by making things tense between several different countries. I feel like if the Cold War had not happened, that attack on
September 11, 2001 wouldn’t have happened. Things wouldn’t be tense and people wouldn’t feel the need to take matters into their own hands and kill hundreds of innocent people. If the Cold
War wouldn’t have happened, we would not have had an economic crisis were prices on lots of things skyrocketed through the roof. It affected the global economy in many ways. Countries stopped trading with one another because of the war. Without trade, some countries were helpless and cause many problems for the more fortunate economies.
Technology has always been improving but the Cold War seemed to slow it down a bit. …show more content…

This started to affect trade within countries, which started to cause problems. Without trade, some countries struggled to keep on their feet, for they didn’t have the supply of what they were importing from that country. In conclusion, new technologies were put on hold due to the
Cold War.
Global terrorism became a big issue years after the Cold War ended. The most well- known attack occurred on September 11, 2001, when a terrorist group hijacked airplanes and ran them into the twin towers and the Pentagon. Hundreds on innocent lives were taken that day.
They never caught the leader until 10 years later. On May 2, 2011, Osama bin Laden was captured and killed. The Cold War may have had something to do with this untimely attack, though we never had a reason as to why they decided to hijack and kill hundreds of people that

did not deserve to die. In conclusion, global terrorism was a significant issue due to the Cold
The spread of disease came rather abruptly, but could have been side effects of what happened during the Cold War. AIDS is the greatest global health issue according to

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