Why Did The Confederate States Really Cause The Civil War?

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When it comes to the civil war, there is much debate as to which side was in the right. Some people think that there is just one right answer, when in a matter of fact; it is entirely based on opinion. I personally, support the Confederate States of America, and here is why. Some say the war was fought entirely over slavery, when in reality; states’ rights were the bigger issue. Slavery was involved, but the states’ rights issue encompassed it. Another aspect that caused the civil war was individual rights. The more powerful the government, the more rights the individual loses. When the states have more power, then the individual loses fewer rights. The constitution grants the federal government power over very few things. The tenth amendment gives that power to the states and the people. …show more content…

States rights was the largest single factor that caused the civil war, not slavery. The Confederate States of America wanted the states to decide most laws for themselves, not the federal government. If the states decided most laws, it would keep the federal government small, which is partly what the CSA wanted. The states deciding most laws would also keep the power in the country in check by not allowing politicians in Washington to gain much power. This system, if done properly, could make a very strong country. If it is overdone, there would be no nation. There needs to be a certain balance of the two to make it work, but the needs to be both. Overall, states rights will preserve a nation and make it free. It would also ensure that individual rights would not be