Why Did The United States Use The Atomic Bomb

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The United States have always been aggressive and critical towards things, especially in wars. In this case, would you think they’ve gone too Far.? However, many people think that it wasn't necessary using the Atomic Bomb in Japan. The Atomic Bomb was a nuclear weapon and is best understood as terror in any country. The Atomic Bomb is only used for when necessary, and in this case, Japan didn't want to surrender and we didn't do what we have done they would've attacked us. First, in all the wars that the united States have gone through, in any of them they use nuclear weapons except for the WWII. The United States have made many other weapons they used to use in war but this weapon was the most deadly of all. The atomic bomb is a type of bomb that after its amazing explosion leaving crater it leaves a deadly radiation that people can’t escape. One of the main reasons the United States used the bomb against Japan was because Japan would not surrender and they would just keep fighting and killing people that were Americans. Even though they have already lost the war they still wanted to keep on fighting and not surrender for anything. They would still attack and then the United States had to act in order to guarantee Japan surrendering. …show more content…

They made a bomb that literally states death in every way and form. Some people may think that the United States did something horrible because they just bombed two places and destroyed it completely. However, if the United States didn’t do what they’ve done then Japan would’ve done it to us first. Japan didn’t want to surrender for anything. They still wanted to fight which caused more and more casualties from both