Why Do Athletes Be Paid

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When people hear the word “sports”, they most likely think of major sports such as the NFL or NBA. When others think of the NBA or NFL, they probably believe the athletes are all about big money. In some cases, those people are right, but in a way, athletes are actually paid in a fair amount. Besides the athletes who go bankrupt, many have an idea on what they’re going to do after their contract expires. Some athletes plan to go back and attend school again so they could earn a degree in their dream job. Speaking of jobs, many plan to work once they retire, hence, giving them enough money to support them and their family if they have one. So are you saying these athletes who are clearly prepared for the future don’t deserve the responsibility of their own money? It’s not like they’re children who work at lemonade stands to raise enough money to quickly spend it all on overpriced games. Come on, give the athletes a chance to show they know how to spend money without spending it all in one shot. …show more content…

As people should know if they’re a major sports fan, the players on one team are owned by one owner who is a lot richer than them, and all the owners do is stand there at the side and give strategies! If the athletes don’t get paid like they already do, the owners will. For example, one owner earns $500 million per year! Also, eighteen owners out of thirty-two are billionaires. That’s more than 50%! Would society really accept a $500-million-per-year owner to get the money when people are already disgusted by the fact that athletes earn about $20 million per