The Pros and Cons of Banning Books There are two sides to the book banning: those for it and those against it. These sources will show why books get banned. First, there is the author Macey France she makes her point of saying why books should be banned by showing the bad parts of banned books. The next author, Jenni White has a similar approach and even uses a quote from France. This next author, Emma Greguska writes her point about how we should not ban books, saying these books prepare the students for the future and teaches them how to deal with real-life problems in a safe space.
Students are often deprived of education by the school itself. “How?” you might ask. With book banning, of course. Book banning is the act of removing books from a school or a library because of “controversial” content. Book banning is wrong for three reasons.
We know the parents argument, but what is the schools’? “There were complaints about it,” school board’s Vice president Kenny Holloway told the Sun Herald. “There is some language in the book that makes people uncomfortable, and we can teach the same lesson with other books.” (Zorthian.) The School simply is banning the book because they don’t want to offend students who may have closer ties to racism.
They claim that the book has many redeeming qualities about it, and also is a great tool for teaching students reading and analytical skills. In my opinion, teachers should be permitted to teach these questionable book to their students. If an author's work was to be tampered with I feel as if many books will lose their value and or the meaning the author was trying to convey. Many of these “banned books” were written based on the time period it was wrote about. Banned books also can teach us history,social skills, vocabulary , and a new way of thinking.
In my attempt to answer my research question, “Why are books banned?” , I have used three main sources to conduct my research on this topic, two online articles, and one book. From my two online articles, “10 Reasons for Banning Books, and 5 Much Better Reasons Not To” and “Banned Books: Reasons for Banning Books”, I have learned that books are most commonly banned because of religious views, political views, sexual dialog, racial themes, violence, and profanity. In the article “10 Reasons for Banning Books, and 5 Much Better Reasons Not To” Jamie Leigh writes: “Notice that not a single one of them referred to “statistics” or “research”. This highlights the fact that people are merely banning these books because they are offended by the content
Book banning in public schools should cease in existence, for the reason that controlling what students should or should not read violates the first amendment right of freedom of speech, some students to feel left out or treated as burdens when they are not allowed to read a book for an assignment, leaving minority students misrepresented or not represented at all, and preconditions the mindsets of students to formulate a preconceived idea rather than students formulating their own opinions. To form their own opinions students need to be exposed to all avenues in a safe, controlled environment, such as schools, in order to truly find out who they are, and who or what they want to represent. If parents have an issue with the topics discussed
Banning Books is a Good Thing to Do Books are fun to read, but only the books that are good. Some book that exist today are very bad and that is why they get banned. Some books that get banned are okay, but most banned books are banned for good reasons. I agree that being banned for witchcraft is a little ridiculous.
Would you want anyone to ban books so you couldn’t further your education? School Board members should not ban certain books because students can get more of a challenge from certain books, you also can get many life lessons from a more mature book, and students also get more of a choice which means more books to read. One reason I believe school board members should not ban books is because it gives students more of a challenge. For example, teachers like to challenge kids to read above their grade level and reading more mature books will get them there. However, how will they get assigned harder or more challenging books if those kinds of books are banned from the school library.
Books can create portals to different life experiences and encourage reading. A few schools and libraries have challenged the educational value of some books, however, therefore leading them to eventually be prohibited in a particular place. Each reason may be different depending on the book and the location of the exclusions. Books are icons of literature and their value should outshine the occasionally offensive topic. Be that as it may, there are multiple reasons why books should be taught and included in a curriculum.
Usually the main culprits of a banned book are religious parents who see this book as defying their beliefs, offensive, or are only suitable to a select age group. Many of these books are biographies, beloved children’s books and even some of these books have been and still are promoted and used in schools. One of these banned books is very popular in school although it’s an edited version rather than the original. The Dairy of Ann Frank, a parent in Michigan pushed this book to be banned due to the fact of the young girl questioning her anatomy, saying it’s pornographic and shouldn’t be suitable to young middle schoolers. One of the three most intriguing books that are widely known to be used in many primary and secondary
Banned Books Should school administrators be able to ban books? Recently schools have been trying to ban books in schools like the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and “To Kill a Mockingbird” both these books were written more than 50 years ago. But what I think people should understand is these books were written in 1885 and 1960 so the events in the books were recent in US history. The reason schools want to ban the book is because it has a few bad words in the books.
If you find something wrong, inappropriate, ect… Don't take it away from someone who thinks it is okay. Inapproprite for age groups, Childrens fedom, Parents get to protect what there children are reading some people belive books should not be banned from school and or libraies because of freedom rights. Reason why books should be banned: some people are offended by book content In the US more and more parents are pressing schools to withdraw books with bad language or sexual content More parents are being more protective to there children, I feel like it is good that parents are being proticetive but remeber rights
Opponents may say that books should be banned. However,the reality is that they should not be banned. The reason being is because it can be a violation of the First Amendment, it can limit a persons education, and banning books can also restrict ideas. You know that most libraries ban books based on their content. Media censorship is when a piece of media gets banned or changed because of how inappropriate the content is.
The banning books: Praised or Disapproved. Many books have been banned all around the world despite that people still think that books should not be banned because of the content inside even if the book has a good message. Books such as Harry Potter have been banned for it use of magic and witchcraft. But still others think that the lesson is more important. Banning books have pros and cons and can be seen either way.
There are countless reasons that everybody should know why books are being banned all over the world! One of the reasons is that parents do not want their children to be exposed to inappropriate topics. Moreover, some books discusses topics that people object to like dark arts and homosexuality. However, there are also reasons why books should not be banned. When children enjoy books, it improves their vocabulary, and it teaches them life lessons.