Why Do Children's Church Teach Children Better Than Adult Service

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Children in adult worship Although many people believe that children should not be in adult services, I believe corporate worship with children is a must! The church has different ideas on what children need to help them grow spiritually. One children's pastor may say we need children's church all the time and another says children need to stay in the main service at all times. A great question that is always asked is “Does children's church teach kids better than adult church services?” This is a great question and should be thought about and talked about a lot in a group setting for child development. Children have a right to sit in adult services and participate in corporate worship. having children in worship teaches faith, behavior and spiritual growth. When children are in corporate worship it teaches them faith. Through constant repetitiveness of going to service a child can start to understand what faith looks like. Faith displayed by their parents and elders becomes something that is not just talked about but lived and then learned. I find that through this process we can also teach our children not …show more content…

Children who worship with there parents and their mentors have a greater appreciation for the church service. They want to participate the best they can, remember they have short attention spans. So upbeat music and children teaching times place an important role. When children are in corporate worship they seem to have a better understanding of the stories and the lessons we teach them. They ask many questions and can recall things form the sermon we may have forgot. I find that in my own teaching of children's church mixed with adult worship the children have a deeper understanding and ask deeper spiritual questions. With that said I believe you need a mixture of both styles of worship to cultivate both children and parents into deeper spiritual relationship with