Why Do Public Schools Should Not Allow Students To Wear Uniforms

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Freedom of speech is one of the most basic rights anyone in America, or anywhere else, can be granted. Freedom of speech allows a person to express themselves however they want and in any medium. Many adolescents express themselves through the clothes they wear, shoes they wear, or hairstyle.Whether you express yourself through you writing, art, or clothing it is all protected by the law. Schools with a uniform policy limit student's uniqueness and creativity. Public schools should not be able to require students to wear uniforms because it limits their individuality, productiveness, and makes bullying more prevalent within the student body. Although many agree that schools should have uniforms because it allows students to have more time in the mornings since they do not have to worry about what to wear. Teaching students from a younger age to have proper time management will help them through the rest of their life. A child could spend their whole adolescent thinking they did not have of spend much time in the morning getting ready. Then, as soon as they are in college or working at a job they could begin to be late because they do not know how long it will really take them to get ready. Students who attend a school without a uniform policy tend to have better time management skills because …show more content…

Expression is one of the most powerful ways for minors to be happy with themselves, and their environment. A school full of uniform where children, everyone tends to look the same, causing it to be hard for a student to feel they're special. Many people struggle with depression because they have the fear of never making a difference in the world. Students in schools with an uniform policy experience this too. While surrounded by your peers who all look the same as you it's hard to feel as though your different or meant to do something