Why I Change My Mind Analysis

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In Diana Ravitch’s ‘(2010) article Why I Changed My Mind, she discussed how abiding by an educational system using accountability and choice has failed tremendously in America. In addition, Ravitch explained how the federally ordained policies are continuously contributing to the system’s decline as well. She believes the legislators are so focused on testing and teacher evaluation that they are ignoring the root of educational problems faced in the United States. With such strong emphasis on testing and test results, educators have changed their teaching strategies in an attempt to satisfy this broken structure. There is strong attention to preparing students to pass standardized tests while simultaneously denying teachers the time to focus …show more content…

Texas particularly has one of the highest rates of poor education quality due especially to deprived resources. Serious strategies ought to be in place and actively improve this negative connotation; the education funding system certainly needs to change quickly (p.13-14). Unscrupulous funding practices are one of the main problems contributing to academic dysfunction. Though some provision for funding gaps are made, the reality remains that poor neighborhoods receive a lower value of education primarily due to a lack of revenue. In fact, Bruce J. Biddle and David C. Berliner (2002) stated in A Research Synthesis / Unequal School Funding in the United States that “students from disadvantaged families will suffer the most from the U.S. system of unequal school funding because these students are more likely to attend poorly funded public schools” (www.ascd.org). The system for allocating money is completely unfair and it has completely turned a blind eye to the inflated price tag for managing functional schools. Simply put, while the total operational cost for schools are tremendously expensive the funding amount is not accountable for the