
Why I Want To Be A Criminal Justice Application Essay

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My name is Marjan Farzana, and I am in 11th grade at Lightridge High School. I wish to join the Administration of Justice at the Monroe Advanced Technical Academy. I want to join this program considering that I work well with people, and that I am a quick learner. I believe that these qualities will benefit me while at M.A.T.A. I am determined to learn more about law enforcement and broaden my knowledge on this subject so that I can be prepared for what is in my future. I was thrilled to have come across the programs at M.A.T.A., and what they offer to students who are enrolled. While reading more about the Administrations of Justice program, I realized that it will benefit me and that I will be a good addition to the team. Especially since my passion for criminal justice has been ongoing since I was a child. While at Lightridge, I decided to take a business law class during my 10th year of high school, and I loved every single part of it. I loved every class, every assignment, every lesson, and so much more. I paid attention to every detail, and put all of my work into every assignment. This class made me realize that I wanted to pursue a career in criminal justice. While this class accompanied my love for criminal justice and my skills …show more content…

is to provide students with more knowledge and to lead them into being successful in their future, such as preparing them for 21st century colleges. Due to this, I believe that M.A.T.A. will help pursue my dreams. One major goal in life for me is to lead a career in criminal justice or law enforcement, and considering all my knowledge and the studying I did outside of school, I believe that I can make a good career in this field. Anything that involved law enforcement or crime always intrigued me as a child, and the desire to know more about this grew as time went by. I am now fully interested in criminal justice, and being in the Administrations of Justice program at M.A.T.A. would be truly life

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