Why I Want To Obtain A College Essay

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My reason for pursuing a college education is because I know I can be someone who makes a change in someone’s life in a positive way. Healing someone's pain or curing a disease even if it means only helping one person, will mean a great accomplishment to me. I know by attending college and going into the medical field, I can make that happen. One of the reasons I want to pursue a career in the medical field is because a few years back I had an immense pain right by my abdomen, my family and I had passed it on as a stomach ache, without insurance and little to no money, I could not afford to go to a doctor to check on it. When that pain was not going away but was actually growing worse, I was rushed to the hospital where doctors found out that …show more content…

While there are some advantages of being shy, it has set me back from enjoying life and making friends. But it has been a significant issue at school. Whenever teachers talk to me I would not reply back to them, being afraid for some reason of them. There would be times when I would not understand the concept but instead of asking the teacher for help I would keep quiet instead of asking for the help I needed. Or if someone came up to me, I would not have been able to form words which made them think that I was ignoring them. I learned that I should not be afraid. There is not anything to be scared of and teachers are there to help you succeed. Now whenever I have questions about a concept or I do not understand the outcome of a problem or how they got there I would go up to them after class or before and talk to them about it. Because of that I get a better outcome when it is time to take the exam. One of my biggest strengths I consider is being responsible.I always take my duties seriously and do the best I can as a student, sister, daughter, and friend. I listen to what people have to say about me and how I can do better and I put it to use. Because of that I strive to do great on what I …show more content…

Telling close friends and family what I do surprises them knowing I am someone who is quiet and conservative. I am a lector for my church, I read twice a month during masses. In another note I volunteer at multiple elementaries in an activity they do each spring. I enjoy being active and being around kids. The volunteer work I do is called field day where the teachers have lots of outside as well as inside activities for all the grades. And my job is to be in charge of one of those activities and tell the kids what to do, the rules, help them out, and have them enjoy their time there. As a teenager we all face obstacles, from bullies, drugs, etc. But my biggest obstacle would be not being a citizen of the Unites of States. As a child I did not understand what it meant and I didn’t mind as much. But as I grew older it kept bothering me. It restricted me from doing many things. I recall a moment when my middle school was making a contest to go to Washington D.C. Back then I still did not understand my situation, I got very excited thinking I could have a chance of going. The contest was based off the grades students were making and the recommendations from teachers and an essay that they made all contestants take. I was a good student and I knew I had a slight chance of going. That night I went home and discussed it with my parents of the possibility of going with their permission. That night changed my whole