To prepare for graduating high school a high schooler would have needed to work hard throughout the student's entire schooling career. This includes working hard on all of the work that is given
When acquiring a college degree you benefit greatly. The pay you get at any job will be raised if you have worked for a college degree, some jobs won’t even look at your resume if you don’t have a degree. Many people chose not to go to college, but roughly about 1/3 of high school students continue their education at college. Overall you get a higher job satisfaction if you have snagged a college degree. I would much rather be looked up to, rather than looking up to someone who has continued their education.
College educations in America are simply not needed. In the US, people everywhere are going homeless because of the student loan debts that they have because the population cannot create enough well-paying jobs. A college education isn’t as valuable as society says it is. When high school seniors choose to not go to college, it frees up so many jobs for people that have college degrees. For example, when a senior in high school goes to college, that can wreck another person’s dream of becoming an accountant, for instance.
A high school diploma is important to my future because I’ll know that I made my family proud and they’ll be able to say my daughter or sister made through high school when she thought she wouldn’t. A high school diploma is important to my future because I’ll be able to get a better job in the future. Having a high school diploma basically
In addition People who graduated college feel like they are more set for their job. College helps people to find jobs with higher pay, and allows them to have more successful
A high school diploma will get you nowhere any more. The fact that college tuition is so expensive, more students will be dealing with large amounts of debt right after their graduation. Their intention could be on making their lives
Many people think that once you drop out of High school everything will be over, but it will not just because of the fact that we are able to take GED courses. GED is very important because it can get you further than many people think, who knows you can be in one of the top universities in your state. Education is important because is has an impact on people who are looking up to us. For example, I have three little sisters and I want them to see me graduate from both high school and college
Many jobs require the knowledge and the training that a college can provide; if you want to go into a medical profession, you would have to learn about the medical technologies and the language to become at least become an intern, then become a doctor. With a degree, many opportunities become much more accessible than if you just had a high school diploma. Getting an education is much more valuable for your future than going straight into the workforce. Peter Thiel, a co-founder of paypal, offered “24 winners of this Thiel fellowship $100,000 not to attend college for two years and to develop business ideas instead. ”(Source E).
A college education has higher benefits in the long run for better higher paying jobs. Some people think no matter what it gives them it just is not worth the cost. Although, a lot of graduates of college stated that it treated them well, taught them more and college was worth their time (Pew Social and Demographic Trends). Getting an education can be challenging but it is it is worth the hard work because of the money in the future. People that did not get a college degree did not get as much money
For many people, college is an important key for their future. Some people go to college for the job opportunities and the new windows it can open. Others go just for the education and experience. A good education is beneficial from many different viewpoints; in truth, it is a possibility that one's adult life could be much harder than people care to think. One can have better wealth, is less likely to be unemployed, and a much higher chance of being closer to your family.
People who might not be able to afford going to college nor have any interest in going to college do the things they love even without the aid of an education. Despite, college educated people are unlikely to be unemployed. And having a degree is not just about economic advantages. People with college degrees have more potential to be satisfied with their jobs. Furthermore, they are more possible to read to their children, which helps their kids be better prepared for school then other children.
Debt is the amount of money you owe to a person, bank, etc. According to Margaret Hoover, “If you finish your four years or any post high school educations leads to increased earnings over the course of your lifetime, and that’s just undeniable.” College is worth the cost because it provides future jobs, better pay, and living environments. College gives you better job opportunities. Some people say that you do not have to go to college to get a good job.
Many people argue that this is still the biggest hitch for all the people, especially for those who are not very wealthy. Eventthough some people think that higher education is not worth it, I believe that there are many benefits of taking higher levels of education. People think that higher education does not guarantee you to have enough working experience in the future. However, you will be seen as competent and more prestigious with a degree
Seventy-seven percent of workers with a postgraduate degree and 60% of workers with a Bachelor’s degree believe their job gives them a sense of identity, versus just 38% of those with a high school diploma. (Brady) Going to College is so beneficial to your future life, that you wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to miss this valuable option. Sue:
Finally, it can be an obvious inference that someone that chose to continue their education post high school will be more intellectual and worldly than someone that ended their education after 12th grade. College gives you an opportunity to widen your experiences in your desired field. When I look at the list of pros and cons that comes with going to college, it is easy for me to see that the pros definitely outweigh the cons. The benefits that come with a college degree will carry you further in life than you would go if you chose to opt out of a post-secondary