
Why Is Animal Testing Unethical

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Activists fight back on Animal Experimentation

Animal experimentation is the use of an animal in scientific research. Many people don’t know that are very important aspects of animal experimentation that are uncalled for and unethical. The three main parts in animal experimentation that are unethical are all of the unsuccessful trials, the harm it does to animals, and the difference between animals and humans that make it near to impossible to replicate humans in an animal. All around animal experimentation is an unlawful, unsuccessful, and unhealthy way to test items.

With all of the items you see in market that say, “Tested on animals” you would think that there was so much success with each trial. Therefore, nine out of every …show more content…

As stated by this group of animals rights activists; many of these test are controversial because of animals having to suffer for human benefit. (“Animal Experimentation: An Overview”, Paragraph 1) All pharmaceuticals, food additives, and garden chemicals that are sold and/or used in the United States must first be tested on experimental animals which causes many harsh effects on the animals. (“Animal Experimentation: An Overview, Paragraph 2) One test commonly tested on experiment, rabbits is the “Draize” Test. It is to test the irritant level it causes which in most cases until perfected it blinds the rabbit or destroys the cornea, lens, and more of the rabbit's eye. To add to that, another controversial test is the LD50 test is tests the toxicity level of something on an animal and again these kill, burn, irritate, cause a rash on the animals skin. (“Animal Experimentation:An Overview”, Paragraph 2) Many people for animals rights are accusing scientist of specimism. ( “Animal Experimentation: An Overview”, Paragraph 5) Regarding the inhumanity these test have caused is even worse when the test is successful because that means they had to go through even more animals to get that far. (“Testing on animals is poorly regulated”, Section 1, Sentence 4) Yes, many say it is helpful and it is; but it is inhumane, unfair, rude, self centered, and harsh to the animals used in experimentation. So, why …show more content…

About 95% of the animals used are mice and rats. The other 5% common house pets, monkeys, farm animals, mini pigs, fish and other primates. Monkeys were used because they are such a close primate to the human life form in the ways of some behavior, food, some liquids, body formation (nervous system, immune system, etc.), but not in skin reactions. When I say skin reactions I mean their skin is so similar to ours it would be easy to see what the product would do to our skin if we did an experiment on some species of monkeys but it isn’t the same so it doesn’t work. (“Animal Experimentation: An Overview”, Paragraph 3) ("About Animal Testing : Humane Society International", Types of animals used, Paragraph 3) Nine out of every ten tests are unsuccessful because they worked on the animals but not on humans; which is an example of how tests don’t work because we aren’t the same. The testing isn’t possible because a humans body is so complex and different from all other animalia that since it isn’t an exact copy it isn’t a precise and truthful test. ("About Animal Testing : Humane Society International”, What’s wrong with animals testing, Paragraph 1) Where we are different it is almost impossible to replicate a human in an animal

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