
Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Animals should not be used for scientific/commercial testing

“Currently 9 out of 10 experimental drugs FAIL in clinical studies because we cannot accurately predict how they will behave in people based on laboratory and animal studies.” - Michael O. Leavitt. Animal testing is common all around the world. People think that by doing tests on animals, they will help find cures and treatments for illnesses. Although that may be true with some animals, that’s not always the case. I believe that animal testing is cruel and inhumane, and that animal tests do not reliably predict results in human beings. Just by talking or hearing the words “animal testing”, you would most likely think that it’s a terrible idea, but it’s more common than you think. Scientific american says, “the test involves applying a small amount of the substance to an animal’s eye or skin for several hours… In most cases the animal subjects—usually albino rabbits bred for the lab—are put to death after the sometimes maiming and often painful test.” Putting all of these chemicals on animals or even maiming(cutting) them is so cruel and inhumane. Doing this to the animals is so harmful for them and they are able to feel every second of the process. …show more content…

While humans are more related to chimpanzees than other animals, test results won’t reliably predict results in human beings. According to Understanding Animal Research says, “So contrary to animal rights claims of alternative methods being better, the truth is that 94% of drugs that pass animal AND non-animal preclinical tests will fail in human tests.” While some animals can stand higher chemicals than humans or if they can handle the drugs the scientists give them, won’t mean that humans can stand the same things. Some tests that they do, could potentially help humans, but i’m not so sure that it happens very

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