Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing By William Harvey

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It all started around four hundred years ago when William Harvey discovered that he could get a better understanding of blood circulation in the human body through animals. One of the things Harvey did to the animals to understand blood circulation was by showing that the blood from the pulmonary artery looks the same as venous blood, and by blocking the trachea of a live animal, showing that the blood that passes through the air blocked lungs does not change color, while in healthy lungs it does. Animal testing may have had benefits then, but now it does not. Animal testing has became illegal almost everywhere in the world except for the United States and the United Kingdom. Animal testing needs to be banned everywhere, it is the cruelest …show more content…

94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials. “Over 100 that were effective when tested on animals have failed in humans, and over 85 HIV vaccines failed in humans after working well in non-human primates”(“”). Nearly 150 human clinical trials of treatments to reduce inflammation in ill patients have failed while being successful in the animal trials. Human’s bodies react differently to medicine and other everyday items than animals do. For example, dogs cannot eat chocolate or they will get sick but humans can eat chocolate just fine. This shows that humans and animals cannot compare, there will always be a difference and that you cannot test what is meant for humans on …show more content…

People think that just because they are the dominant beings they can just do what they want with the smaller mammals. People think they own animals and can use them for testing subjects. People put the little creatures through absolute torture, they inject the animals with whatever they feel like can help them. They will strap down the animals and force them to be in absolute pain. Some people opened up the animals while they were alive to see what would happen. Humans are cruel and act like animals are little dolls and do not even care if they hurt the creatures because they are heartless and