Why Is Chivalry Important In The Middle Ages

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Today the world is full of chaos. There is a great deal of conflict between people; they do not respect each other or each other’s opinions. Society in the middle ages was different than modern society. They had chivalry, which encouraged people to get along and maintain societal order. Since chivalry was successful in maintaining societal order in the middle ages, it would be beneficial to the society today. In the middle ages, chivalry played a huge part in society. The code of chivalry is “a moral system that went beyond the rules of warfare...” Even though the code of chivalry was mainly directed towards knights, other people followed the rules along with the knights. This kept less friction between the people. For this reason, chivalry …show more content…

For example, the quality of duty to the country and its people. In the middle ages, knights were expected to learn how to fight and serve their lord, as well as defend the castle. In the world today soldiers are the ones who fight to protect their country. If soldiers were not willing to do their job then there would not be anyone to defend their country. Another quality that is seen today is courage. Courage is shown by soldiers as they protect our country. They say, “It is a matter of enduring physical violence and often risking physical safety.” Firemen are another everyday example of courage. In the past thirty years, over four thousand firefighters have died on the job. Chivalry also ensures that everyone is treated equally. For instance, in the stories of King Arthur, the Round Table was built to show that all knights were equal and to ensure each seat was highly favored. This showed the knights that they were all equally important. The concept behind this table was that no one would be able to sit at the head of the table, so they would not seem more important than anyone else. Women were also supposed to be treated equally. Men were required to follow strict rules of etiquette and codes of conduct towards women as well as show gallantry towards

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