Why Is Crop Rotation Important In The South

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The South What is crop rotation and what is its purpose? Why was it Introduced?

Crop rotation is planting one crop one year and then planting another crop in its place a different year. The purpose of crop rotation was to put certain nutrients back into the ground. For example Now people plant corn and soybeans. Corn takes nitrogen out of the soil and uses that to grow. Then the next year people will plant soybeans in its position, because soybeans put nitrogen back into the soil for the corn to use the next year. It also make sure the soil does not depletes to certain nutrients. So the main reason crop rotation was around was to keep the soil healthy and rich in nutrients.

What job did drivers perform on large southern plantations?

On large plantations slave drivers overseen work, and directed what people were doing from day to day. On some larger plantations the master would have both a weight overseas and a black overseas. But this was only present on plantations that were really large and where the master was sometimes absent, and if the weight overseer was at a different farm ground. So over all most slave drivers were white, but occasionally you had a black driver, and their job was to …show more content…

With their being more jobs that means that factories could produce more things and goods like steam engines, with them producing more goods means they can sell more and make more money. Also with producing more steam engines, that means they need people working on railroads and tracks for the people to drive the engines on, and that creates business for the railroads companies. Also with the steam engines, people are going to pay to ride them from place to place so you are going to make even more business with the people paying to ride to places. So that is a few ways that the Transportation Revolution created a boom in