Why Is Fahrenheit 451 Be Allowed In Our Society

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Fahrenheit 451 is a controversial book that I believe is a valuable piece of literature in our society. This book is controversial because it gets people to think whether or not it should be allowed in our society. I think that this book should be allowed in our society because it acts as a warning to our future society, it shows us that people care more about technology than their own family, and it makes us realize the importance of books. Fahrenheit 451 is more than just a book, it acts as a warning to our society. Everything that is happening in the book or that has happened, is occurring right now in our world. When the book talks about how they are dumbing down society to the point where people have very little memory or idea of what happened in the past, our society is doing the same. The government decides what students should and should not learn. They choose things that they feel is important and throw away the things that they feel have no purpose in learning. To them, that seems like a good idea, until later on in the future, our society reaches the point where education has no value just like in Fahrenheit. Slowly, we are shortening amazing pieces of literature so people can read the whole thing in a few pages or paragraphs because technology has taken over our minds to the point …show more content…

It has taken over our lives so much that we care more about it more than our own families. People care more about a dropped cell phone, than a friend who has fallen. Cell phones have become so important in our lives, that we treat them like it is a child. Technology has advanced so much that we bathe ourselves in it to the point where our social skills has fallen. The technology that is used in Fahrenheit is no different from the technology that we use today. Technology is advancing so much today that sometime in the future, the demand for books will no longer be needed just like in