Why Is Friar Lawrence Important In Romeo And Juliet

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In the play, _Romeo and Juliet_, there are several significant details that help the reader _in this play. First, the character _friar Laurence_. Another important detail is friar Laurence tries to take Juliet from the Capulets tomb to prevent her from getting hurt (act 5 scenes 3). The third detail important to the play is friar Laurence has a talk with Romeo about the marriage and after the marriage is done (act 2 scenes 6). Another important detail is friar Laurence is faking Juliet’s death so she wont must marry Paris (act 4 scenes 1). Also, significant is _. A key element of the play is _. Finally, the Shakespeare tells that love at first sight might be true. These details are significant because its showing that love at first sight …show more content…

being that they are from two different families and because their families both don’t like each other. In (act 2 scenes 6) it says “These violent delights have violent ends” meaning that when they get married the hate between the two families would end. The families can’t do anything because they have love for each other they will just have to deal with them being together and the families would have to get along. After the marriage, there is no more hate between the families but the families don’t know that they are getting married yet they must take care off a problem first……. To begin with reason two, now married to Romeo Juliet ask friar Laurence to help her avoid marrying Paris. So, they planed for her to fake her own death it was a great plane till everything hits the fan. Friar didn’t tell Romeo about Juliet faking her death so when he sees her tomb he freaks out about it. In (act 4 scenes 1) it says “and if thou direst, ill give thee remedy” that is when she tells friar about the idea and so they do it. But Juliet forgets to tell Romeo, she probably thought friar would let him know but before friar could get to him he had already heard about