Why Is Our Constitution Still Relevant Today

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In 1787, the Founding Fathers of our great nation all met to face one of the greatest challenges that the United States had faced yet. They had the immense task of forming a new government after the Articles of Confederation had failed to provide a sufficient foundation for the newly developing nation. The document that came out of that summer in 1787, framing the new government, was the Constitution of the United States of America. One of the most timeless documents of our time and one of the most important of our time. To some, this may be an overstatement, but to me, this is a true statement. Our nation has gone through division, conflict and indescribable tragedy. But, nevertheless, our Constitution has endured.
It lays out not only our rights as Americans, but our rights as humans in general. However, it's just a piece of parchment. How can it preserve our freedom? The truth is, it’s not the parchment that preserves our liberty. Not the pen it was written with. Not the people who wrote it. What truly preserves our rights and freedoms as a people are our values as Americans. Our belief that we are all equal and everyone has the right to be free. We also know that our freedom isn’t free. The brave men and women that fight and die protecting our nation keep us free. We owe them all so much. …show more content…

For some reason, our leaders of today and recent history don’t think that they need to follow our founding document and it is seen as more of an obstacle than anything. This is not right. If we want our nation to endure and prosper like it has for the last two centuries, we must continue continue to stand upon our foundation. Think of a house, once you start messing with a house’s foundation, that house becomes weak and eventually falls. If we start messing with what this country is based off of, our nation will soon