Why Is The Above Picture The Rapture Of People Out Of This World

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Technically the Christian faith does not believe in reincarnation; however there are scriptures that could indicate otherwise. I do understand the concept that reincarnation and salvation don’t agree. I also do believe in the finished works of Jesus and the cross. One thing can be certain is that we only know part of the truth and mysteries of life, death and our soul. As I already mentioned, the bible also says that ‘’ for we know in part, and we prophesy in part….for we see through a glass, darkly.

Personally as a Christian I believe in the finished works of the cross and I also believe that some people do come back, but it’s not what I believe, let’s analyze the scriptures we have, because who knows whether some …show more content…

Let’s start with Elijah, as we know he reincarnated as John the Baptist, this was first prophesied by the prophet Malachi and later confirmed by Jesus himself. See the following verses. Malachi 4:5 Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: Also Matthew 11.14…And if you are willing to receive it and accept it John himself is Elijah who was to come before the Kingdom. In the following verse, 15…Jesus says He who has ears to hear, let him be listening and let him consider and perceive and comprehend by hearing. (Amplified)

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 Picture of John the Baptist, baptizing Jesus. John was the fore runner of Jesus. Reincarnate Elijah
This alone is enough for me, to believe that some people do come back, I personally believe a lot of great spiritual figures in the bible days and now, did come back then, and do come back now. I believe depending on your agreed task in time and space, certain life time experiences are required. Actually, sometimes I can actually tell by the wisdom and insight that comes from a person’s mouth, obviously will take age into …show more content…

Jeremiah also from the bible which is mentioned in this piece literature and Elijah were both Prophets, and I believe that such people have to be old souls, people that have been here ( time and space) before.

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 Picture of Elijah taken to Heaven by a Whirlwind.

The second scripture, I would like to use, to open us up to the possibility that maybe the early church knew what we don’t in regards to reincarnation is in John 9:2..And the disciples asked him, saying Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents , that he was born blind?

Looking at the first part of the question implies the question referred to a previous life. The fact that they asked the question and that Jesus didn’t say that question was wrong spiritually or that they have missed how the Kingdom of heaven operated as we know he did in teaching His disciples, also should make us question the possibility of the subject at hand.

Another important verse, that really got me thinking is Jeremiah 1.5, in which God told Jeremiah that before he was formed in his mother’s womb, that He [God] knew him [Jeremiah], and approved of