
Why Is The Great Gatsby Dead

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Gatsby is Dead? Who even is he? The Bill!”, has made Gatsby one of the richest people in New York. But how do we know that they belong to Gatsby? Well, if you walk in to “Dip The Bill!”, you will notice that the letters “J.G.” are located on almost every single furniture. Gatsby is a bootlegger, but if he was born into the wealth, why would he have to bootleg. After the police found out about Gatsby’s past, it all started to make sense. He was born to a poor family with a name “James Gatz”, he then left his parents and lived with a sailor who taught him everything he needed to know. That is how he became such a charming man. After he met a girl he fell in love with he got sent of to Europe to fight in the World War. After he came back he started to bootleg, because his girl of dreams married Tom Buchanan. The Dead Guy …show more content…

But looking into some of the information about the murderer, we found out that he owned a run down auto shop at the edge of the Valley Of Ashes. The day before he murdered Gatsby, his wife was fatally hit by a speeding yellow car. The yellow car belongs to Tom Buchanan but that day it was used by Gatsby and someone else on board with him. Apparently, Gatsby was intoxicated and hit the women so hard she died, without stopping he continued to drive off. By joining the dots, it is clear that George (the guy whose wife was hit by Gatsby) wanted revenge for his wife's death. So this rumour has been disproven or maybe not since we can not track his exact life down, we wouldn't know if he

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