Why People Stay In Domestic Violent Relationships

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The biggest question people have for victims is, why don’t they just pack up their things and leave? On loveisrespect.org they listed 5 different reasons for why someone might stay in a domestic violent relationship; “conflicting emotions, pressure, distrusts of adults or authority, and reliance on the abusive partner.” Relationships are supposed to be beautiful, it brings people to a place of happiness and it’s a whole new world. So why are some people so sad and scared in their relationship? When someone is a victim of any type of abuse, they don’t leave due to conflicting emotions. The feeling of fear, fear of what will happen once they leave their significant other. Some people gather the courage to leave their abusive partner and their …show more content…

According to the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney, “Battered women suffer physical and mental problems as a result of domestic violence.” They also have to call their work places and ask for days off due being sick from the violence that they experience, obvious marks of the violence that they cannot hide. The major reason for why women get injured a lot is due to battering, which includes being mugged and being raped. They also mentioned that the emotional and physiological abuse someone experiences is a lot more expensive to treat than the physical abuse. The physical abuse will cause more harm in the future for women or men as they grow older. As the results for men were not mentioned, for women they can suffer from hypertension, arthritis, and heart disease. Other than this, women who have been battered may have to move around more often to avoid running into or being found by their batterer. If the battered/abused woman was religious and followed a church, they church might abandon her because she separated from her partner and some religions don’t believe in separation after marriage. Now, what about the children? The children who grew up witnessing and experiencing the domestic violence show emotional and/or behavioral problems which can include, stuttering, fear, anxiety, psychosomatic disorders, excessive crying, problems sleeping, and problems in school. Some children who witness the abuse feel like they are the reason the abuse keeps happening since they cannot stop it themselves. They carry that guilt with them into adulthood and don’t know how to deal with the trauma they have gone through. When any type of abuse occurs, children feel scared, shamed, confusion, and again, they might think they are the reason why the abuse keeps happening. In the end result, these children have problems in school, problems