Why Plagiarism Is Wrong

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Fun fact of the day, plagiarism comes from the latin term for kidnap. That exactly what you're doing when you use someone else's piece of work without there permission or crediting them for their work. In the school system, especially high school and middle school, plagiarism is getting out of hand. Students are copying other students work with there persimmon in front of the teacher. If that student says no then they just keep moving down the line or they take that person's’ work and coping the answer, then put in back without their knowledge. It’s crazy that people will stoop so low in order to get some answers for some homework or test. It makes you wonder if they know they're just hurting themselves in the long run? Then ever when the teacher see the students copying another person's paper they don’t even stop it. They just let it fly by and keep doing their work at there desk. Yet in every single school hand book they have …show more content…

Which would require them to walk up to the student and accuse them of cheating. When you make that type of accusation you need good proof. Then you’ll send them to the principal office which will require you to fill out paperwork explaining why they went to the office. After that you’ll need to set up a meeting with the principal, the child, and his parents to explain what happen and show your proof that there “perfect angle” was cheating. In today's society parents seem to take the kids word over the teachers which will cause a huge argument. While in 1970’s teacher word was the final word and parents would respect that. At the end, if you win, the kid get a zero on one assignment and maybe an after school detention. Then you’ll get a bad rep with one parent and in a small town rumors fly fast. Now put yourself in the teacher's shoes and ask yourself, “ is it really worth all that work to just get one student a