Why We Shouldn T Cyber Bullying Be Illegal

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In my opinion I believe cyber bullying should not be illegal. Don’t get me wrong, cyber bullying can be harmful and can cause great problems for some individuals, particularly younger children and teens who are constantly exposed to social media each and every day. Despite this, I feel outlawing this form of behavior can create a slippery slope within society. For example, something that was posted and was intended to be a joke may be taken the wrong way. Those who may feel victimized, may point the finger and use a cyber bullying law against someone who did not have the intentions of causing emotional pain. In many ways I can see such a law being misinterpreted and misused. To have a better understanding of the topic I visited debate.org where …show more content…

Each side of the argument (Yes or No) has contributors supporting the given stances. Backing my stance, various contributors discussed how laws against cyberbullying infringes on the first amendment, that being the freedom of speech. I feel such a law preventing cyberbullying could prevent what one is able to express in an online setting. With a law that constantly monitors what is said online, I can see how one may be cautious or afraid to express how he or she truly feels; even if their feeling can be rather negative. Again, what is considered to be cyber bullying may be too wide of scope, thus creating more problems that are not necessary and more individuals censoring what they say. What one says can be taken in so many different ways. On top of this, the article mentions how cyber bullying can be avoided by simply closing one’s laptop or by removing themselves from the online sphere in which the act is occurring. I feel this is the one difference between physical in person bullying versus online bullying, as it is easier for one to remove themselves from the