Why Were The Minor Soldiers Responsible For The Holocaust?

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It was in Germany, in 1939 Hitler’s well-known and feared army the Nazi Regime swarmed Jewish people’s homes and forced them into the ghettos. The Holocaust began in Europe when the SS army and minor, so soldiers invaded and hunted down all Jewish people in Europe. Most people Europe supported this because most non-Jewish people back then were Antisemitic, which means to hate all Jewish people. Most non-Jewish people were like this because they were influenced by Hitler and the SS officers. Besides Adolf Hitler, the ss army and the Nazi soldiers were the most responsible for the Holocaust because, without the SS army, there would have been no one to command and fight in the Final solution, and without the Nazi soldiers there would have been …show more content…

So, the minor soldiers hold a big part of the responsibility of the Holocaust. This is especially seen in the quote, “Nazis and local police began to empty the ghettos in violent liquidation operations.”(“How”) This evidence supports the idea that the minor soldiers were a big part of the Holocaust because it says that the soldiers emptied ghettos with a violent operation. It is seen again in the same article, “The Nazi soldiers used a combination of laws and decrees, propaganda, intimidation, and violence to segregate Jews from German society, remove them from the economy, and force them to leave the country.” (“How”) From this evidence, it's clear that it agrees with the idea that the soldiers were a big part of the Holocaust because it says that the Nazi soldiers did a lot of mudsling to get more non-Jewish people in Hitler's theory. Overall, the Nazi soldiers held a big part of the responsibility because without them there would have been to follow orders and help in the mass murder of