Why Young People Join The Military Research Paper

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Deciding what to do after graduating from high school can become a very overwhelming and frightening experience. Many graduated high school students attend college and some find or continue a job. But there is a public stigma connecting lazy individuals with young people joining the military that needs to be challenged. Young people decide to join the military for many reasons. One reason why young people join the military is to travel the world. A great deal of the military workforce is made up of young people from rural areas that wanted to get away from their small hometowns. With military installations on most continents, the opportunities to travel are endless and not easily matched. Not only will military members be able to travel to new places but possibly be able to live there. Service members earn thirty days of paid vacation every year in which they can use to travel to many different destinations at discounted rates. Space A is also an option for military service members which allows them to travel to other cities or countries for free pending space is available on the respective flight. …show more content…

Many young people have been raised or have family members with military backgrounds. Often the traditions are passed down from family to family. Family members previous to them may have served in the military and they feel now it is their turn. Along with feeling the obligation to carry on the family trade, many young people have already been accustomed to the military lifestyle, which makes the military transition less stressful or unpredictable. They will be able to foresee and plan for the changes that the military lifestyle brings and the hardships of military life will be less