Wildlife Biologist Essay

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Several weeks ago, I made an important decision that would shape my entire life. As my senior year in High school was about to end I decided to become a Wildlife Biologist. I believed that this was a very interesting career, and I have always been into acquiring more information about animals that are scattered all around us humans. I applied into many universities across Alberta and ultimately succeeded to get into the University of Edmonton. At first I was very nervous about how I am going to survive by myself, but I had set my goal and I decided to face anything which would forbid me from accomplishing my goal. However, my mother was really worried about me as it was my first time leaving my home and my parents. My high school life just finished and as I was leaving for Edmonton, my aged mother said, “Are you sure you want to go?” I had made my decision to become a Wildlife Biologist. I reached Edmonton and visited the …show more content…

Seeing my parents made me realize how big of a mistake I had made by leaving them. My mother said, “Thanks for coming back.” These simple words made me cry and I promised my parents to never leave them like my older brothers did. And I promised to serve and take care of them for the entire life. I had never felt guilty about the decisions till this moment but today I realized how important my parents were for me and it was my hope that made them feel weak and insecure. When I look back I realize how pointless my last two weeks were. It was my first time seeing this creature, however, it completely changed my view on my duties and my life. I began my school at the University of Calgary and dedicated my life to studies and my parents. I can never imagine leaving my elderly parents alone by themselves in this world where anything is possible. I now saw my life like never before, that one glimpse of the pack of wolves gave my life a new path to