William Shakespeare Research Paper

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William Shakespeare has no birth records, but documentations reveals that he was baptized April 26, 1564. Shakespeare is also known as the English national poet, he started writing in the Elizabethan era (1558–1603) that’s when he made his first book called First Folio. In the Elizabeth era London became a cultural and commercial center where learning and literature thrived.
William Shakespeare wasn’t born into a family of nobility and wealth, he lives in a home in Stratford-upon-Avon with his parents. That’s why most of his books, the main characters don’t come from rich sides there are mostly lower class characters. Like every person they have their favorite poet oar writer, Williams favorite poets where Geoffrey Chaucer and Plutarch. That could possibility be one of his reasons why he wanted to be a poet. Also he was married to a wife that he was 8 years younger than him that’s what explain that characters in his books they be marring people not their age. …show more content…

That’s why all of William Shakespeare’s writing and or books are very difficult to understand and read because it’s an older type of English. William Shakespeare's plays were written in the conventional style, with metaphors and rhetorical phrases that didn't always set naturally with the story's plot or characters. He would write he’s plays like he would and that’s how you know Shakespeare’s. Even if it didn’t set good with the plot that it’s what made Shakespeare writing so unique because that’s the way he liked to