William Shakespeare Research Paper

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As decades pass, the same question surfs through society over and over. Did Shakespeare really write all his plays? William Shakespeare was an english poet, playwright, and actor who was and still is referred to as the greatest writer and dramatist. The answer is yes! Shakespeare did write his own works of literature with his great knowledge from books, his membership in the royal acting company, and most importantly, the author who was believed to write all his stories passed away long before Shakespeare continued writing novels.
A great amount of Shakespeare’s great knowledge comes from the plenty of books that he read throughout his entire life. “Shakespeare was not simply a genius; he was by all accounts a voracious reader: the plots from nearly all his plays and poems come from books” (Alexa Stevenson 3). This explains that Shakespeare might have not been a genius but he might have been by every one accounts an avid reader. The majority of all his plays and poems were all based off of the books he had read throughout his life. Therefore, he most definitely wrote his own works of art using the knowledge he gained off of the plenty of books he read throughout his 52 years of life. …show more content…

Patrick Cheney, a Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature, states, “As a member of a royal acting company, Shakespeare had plenty of opportunity to experience the courts of sovereigns first-hand. And as an avid reader of history, he could certainly recreate a foreign country in his fictions” (Alexa Stevenson 4). Cheney is explaining how Shakespeare, as an individual from a royal acting organization, had a lot of chance to encounter the courts of sovereigns direct. Accordingly, as an enthusiastic reader of history, he could absolutely recreate a foreign piece of his novels. This proves that Shakespeare had the experience to influence many of his fascinating